Σάββατο 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Παρασκευή 21 Απριλίου 1967

Είναι η μέρα που τα τανκς βγήκαν στους δρόμους και η Δημοκρατία μπήκε στον... γύψο. Σε αντίθεση με τη σημερινή εποχή που η τηλεόραση είναι το πρώτο μέσο που θέλουν οι επαναστάτες και... επαναστάτες το 1967 αρκούσε απλά η κατάληψη του κτιρίου του ΟΤΕ όχι για τον σταθμό τηλεοράσεως που υπήρχε εκεί, αλλά για τις τηλεπικοινωνίες.
Τόσο το ΕΙΡ, όσο και η ΥΕΝΕΔ δεν λειτούργησαν την 21η Απριλίου ούτε την επόμενη μέρα. Οι πραξικοπηματίες προτίμησαν να χρησιμοποιήσουν το ραδιόφωνο για να κάνουν γνωστά τα σχεδιά τους.

Πέμπτη 20 Απριλίου 1967

Τετάρτη 19 Απριλίου 1967

Ο Γιάννης Τσαρούχης έκανε την πρώτη του τηλεοπτική εμφάνιση στην ελληνική τηλεόραση στην εκπομπή της Μαρίας Καραβίας.

Τρίτη 18 Απριλίου 1967

Δευτέρα 17 Απριλίου 1967

Κυριακή 16 Απριλίου 1967

Παρασκευή 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Σάββατο 15 Απριλίου 1967

Παρασκευή 14 Απριλίου 1967

Πέμπτη 13 Απριλίου 1967

Τετάρτη 12 Απριλίου 1967

Τρίτη 11 Απριλίου 1967

Δευτέρα 10 Απριλίου 1967

Κυριακή 9 Απριλίου 1967

Σάββατο 8 Απριλίου 1967

Παρασκεύή 7 Απριλίου 1967

Πέμπτη 6 Απριλίου 1967

Τετάρτη 5 Απριλίου 1967

Τρίτη 4 Απριλίου 1967

Δευτέρα 3 Απριλίου 1967

Κυριακή 2 Απριλίου 1967

Η ταινία μικρού μήκους του Παντελή Βούλγαρη "Τζίμης ο τίγρης" με τον Σπύρο Καλογήρου στον ομώνυμο ρόλο ήταν το γεγονός της ημέρας. Η ταινία προβλήθηκε στο πλαίσιο της εκπομπής του Ίωνα Νταϊφά "από τη μεγάλη οθόνη στη μικρή"

Σάββατο 1η Απριλίου 1967

Πέμπτη 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Παρασκευή 31 Μαρτίου 1967

Πέμπτη 30 Μαρτίου 1967

Ηρωϊκά χρόνια

Την περίοδο 1960-61 το ABC παρουσίασε ένα φιλόδοξο, για τα μέτρα της εποχής εκείνης ντοκυμανταίρ. Βασισμένο στα απομνημονεύματα του Ουίστον Τσόρτσιλ, παρουσίαζε ουσιαστικά την ιστορία του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου ο οποίος είχε λήξει πριν 15 μόλις χρόνια.
Ο σκηνοθέτης Γκάρι Μέρβιλ επέλεξε τον Ρίτσαρντ Μπάρντον ως αφηγητή, ενώ ο Ρίτσαρντ Ρότζερς έγραψε τη μουσική.
Γυρίστηκαν 26 ημίωρα επεισόδια που έκαναν τον κύκλο τους στην αμερικάνικη τηλεόραση, προβλήθηκαν σχεδόν ταυτόχρονα και στο BBC.
Στις 29 Μαρτίου 1967 ήρθε η ώρα να αρχίσει και η προβολή τους στην Ελλάδα. Σε σχέση με άλλα ντοκυμανταίρ η εξάχρονη καθυστέρηση ήταν ελάχιστη.
Η σειρά προβλήθηκε από το ΕΙΡ κάθε Τετάρτη.
Τα επεισόδια της σειράς κυκλοφόρησαν πριν λίγα χρόνια και σε DVD
[01] The Gathering storm (27-Nov-1960)
[02] The Combat deepens (04-Dec-1960)
[03] Dunkirk (11-Dec-1960)
[04] THE FRENCH AGONY (08-Jan-1961)
[05] TAKE ONE WITH YOU (15-Jan-1961)
[06] THE RAVENS REMAIN (22-Jan-1961)
[07] Struggle at sea (29-Jan-1961)
[08] Hinge of fate (05-Feb-1961)
[09] Alone no more (12-Feb-1961)
[10] Out of the east (19-Feb-1961)
[11] The Torch is lit (26-Feb-1961)
[12] SAND AND SNOW (05-Mar-1961)
[13] STRIKE HARD, STRIKE HOME! (12-Mar-1961)
[14] Closing the ring (19-Mar-1961)
[15] Be sure you win (26-Mar-1961)
[16] Turning of the tide (02-Apr-1961)
[17] THE DIE IS CAST (09-Apr-1961)
[18] D-DAY (16-Apr-1961)
[19] SET EUROPE ABLAZE (23-Apr-1961)
[20] Triumph in France (30-Apr-1961)
[21] BEGINNING OF THE END (07-May-1961)
[22] Final Christmas (14-May-1961)
[23] Yalta (21-May-1961)
[24] Tying the knot (28-May-1961)
[25] GOTTERDAMMERUNG (04-Jun-1961)
[26] GOOD-BYE MR. CHURCHILL (11-Jun-1961)

Τετάρτη 29 Μαρτίου 1967

Τετάρτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Τρίτη 28 Μαρτίου 1967

Για πρώτη φορά η ελληνική τηλεόραση έδειξε ρεπορτάζ γυρισμένο στο εξωτερικό. Ο πρεσβευτής της Ελλάδας στην Ουάσιγκτων Αλ.Μάτσας μίλησε στον ανταποκριτή της κρατικής τηλεόρασης Σπύρο Γρανίτσα στο περιθώριο των εκδηλώσεων για την 25η Μαρτίου στη Νέα Υόρκη.

Δευτέρα 27 Μαρτίου 1967

Κυριακή 26 Μαρτίου 1967

Σάββατο 25 Μαρτίου 1967

Παρασκευή 24 Μαρτίου 1967

Πέμπτη 23 Μαρτίου 1967

Οι φάκελοι της Σκότλαντ Γιαρντ

Οι φάκελοι της «Σκότλαντ Γιαρντ» ήταν ένα από τα πρώτα τηλεοπτικά προγράμματα του BBC. Η Αγγλική τηλεόραση δεν κατάφερε να παράγει ένα ημίωρο επεισόδιο την εβδομάδα όπως έκαναν οι αμερικανοί. Έτσι ενώ η σειρά κράτησε οκτώ συνολικά χρόνια γυρίστηκαν μόλις 39 επεισόδια.
Ο Εντγκαρ Λούστγκάρτεν ήταν ο αφηγητής της ιστορίας, καλή ώρα όπως έκανε πολλά χρόνια αργότερα ο Γρηγόρης Βαλτινός στις «αστυνομικές ιστορίες» του ΑΝΤ-1.
Αναλυτικά οι 39 ιστορίες.

[01] Scotland Yard: THE DRAYTON CASE (26 min)(verified on film)
© Copyright 1953, UK release date Feb 1953
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written and Directed by Ken Hughes
Photography by John Wiles
film edited by Derek Holding
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Vincent Platt ........... Drayton
Hilda Barry ............. Mrs Drayton (Elizabeth Drayton)
John Le Mesurier......... Div. Spt. Henley
Victor Ball ............. Henley’s assistant
Bartlett Mullins, Eddie Malin Geoffrey Bewian,
Eric Evans, Humphry Morton, Bruce Bebe
A 1941 air raid uncovered a firewatchers strangled wife. During an
argument over maintenance money after their divorce Drayton strangles
her. Her body is discovered in a school cellar,and the search begins.
Her dental records identify her as Mrs Drayton,and her ex-husband
eventually confesses to the murder.
[02] Scotland Yard: THE MISSING MAN (30 min) (verified on film)
a.k.a. "The Case of Gerald Edward Neil"
© Copyright 1953, UK release date June 1953
BFC no. 11810
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written and directed by Ken Hughes
photography by A. T. Dinsdale & Roland Stafford
film edited by Derek Holding
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Tristan Rawson ......... The Reverend Neil
Evelyn Moore ........... Mrs Neil
also featuring:
Axel Moller, Michael Bird, Paul Morgan,
Kathleen Page, Harold Siddons
Synopsis 1:
An Inspector traces the killer of a clerk's son through
his mother's dream.
Synopsis 2:
A retired vicars wife has a dream.Her son has gone missing, and after
enquires by her husband which leads him to France,the wife tells
her dream to the police,which involves a visit to a disused stable
where her sons body is found at the bottom of a well. After police
enquires the murderer is arrested in a hotel in Manchester.
[03] Scotland Yard: THE CANDLELIGHT MURDER (32 min)UK release date Oct53
BFC no. 11860
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written and directed by Ken Hughes
photography by John Wiles, Roland Stafford & Peter Bryan
film edited by Derek Holding.
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Jack Lambert ......... Supt. Rawson
Gerald Case .......... Supt. Carron
Robert Cawdron ....... Sgt.
Clifford Buckton ..... Parrish
Denis Shaw ........... Joe Hawkins
An Inspector unsmasks a blacksmith as a killer of an old hermit.
[04] Scotland Yard: THE BLAZING CARAVAN (32 min)UK release date Feb 1954
BFC no. 11931
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written & directed by Ken Hughes
photography by J. M. Burgoyne-Johnson & Ron Bicker
film edited by Derek Holding
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
~Alexander Gauge ......
Edgar Driver .........
Alan Robinson (II) ........
Betty Carter ......... (possibly Betty Carter (VI)
Synopsis 1:
A man kills his partner in a football pool win and exchanges
Synopsis 2:
Set in 1938, a salesman visits one of his clients and finds out that
he has won the football pools. He is invited to a celebration drink
in the local pub. The pools winner becomes very drunk and the
salesman takes him home and murders him. After learning how to forge
his signature, and disposing of the body in a blazing caravan, he
heads off to Brighton to cash the cheque. In the meantime the pools
winners partner turns up and is told that the old man has won the
pools and left. The partner reports this to the police who
investigate and with the assistance of the bank manager in Brighton,
the killer is caught.
[05] Scotland Yard: THE DARK STAIRWAY (32 min)(verified ob film)_aka_The Greek Street Murder
© Copyright 1953, UK Release March 1954,
BFC no. 11937
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written and Directed by Ken Hughes
photography by J. M. Burgoyne-Johnson & Ron Bicker
film edited by Derek Holding
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ......... Inspector Harmer
(verified - NOT Inspector Duggan, his character in later episodes)
Vincent Ball ........... Sergeant Gifford
George Manship ......... George Benson
Edwin Richfield ........ Joe Lloyd
Gene Anderson .......... Molly
Lionel Newbold ......... Mr Cross
Bill Nagie, Mark Bellamy
Grace Denbeigh-Russell, Henry Webb
(note spelling of "Bill Nagy")
Synopsis 1:
A blind man identifies the man who stabbed a mail robber.
Synopsis 2:
A blind man is pushed over on a darkened stairway during a murder.
When questioned by the police the old man becomes frightened until
his friend comes to the station.The Inspector holds an identity
parade and the murderer is picked out by the smell of his after
[06] Scotland Yard: LATE NIGHT FINAL (29 min) (verified on film)aka_The Burrage Case
© Copyright 1953, UK release date July 1954
BFC no. 11980
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
story by Gaston Charpentier
written and directed by Montgomery Tully
photography by John Wiles & Ron Bicker
film edited by Derek Holding.
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Colin Tapley .......... Inspector Turner
Terence Yorke ......... Det. Conway
Frank Forsyth ......... Constable Everitt
Stanley Van Beers ..... Joe Burrage
Richard Shaw .......... Woolland
John Wynn, Margaret Harrison, Hazel Jennings
Gordon Craig, Nancy Bekh, Margot Bryant [DM]
A missing crippled witness turns out to be a drug smuggler's
[07] Scotland Yard: FATAL JOURNEY (30 min) (verified on film)aka_The Case of Norma Preston
© Copyright 1954, UK release date Aug54
BFC no. 11997
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
Directed by Paul Gherzo (aka_Paul Dickson/aka_Paul Gerrard)
photography by A. T. Dinsdale & John Reid
film edited by Geoffrey Muller
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Gordon Bell ............. Insp Durrant
Edward Forsyth .......... Detective
Jack Melford ............ Mr Preston
Jane Welsh .............. Mrs Preston
Julian Somers ........... Gough
Peter Halliday .......... Gypsy
Lloyd Lamble, John Brooking, Ernest Borrow
Bart Allison, Charles Rolfe
An Inspector exposes an amnesiac as a blackmailer who killed
the woman who jailed him.
[Vera McKechnie credited in "British Film Catalogue but NOT on
film credits. Vera McKechnie was a presenter on BBC Children's
Television in the late 1950's)]
[08] Scotland Yard: THE STRANGE CASE OF BLONDIE (32 min)UK release date Oct 1954
BFC no. 12021
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by Basil Francis
directed by Ken Hughes
photography by J. M. Burgoyne-Johnson & John Reid
film edited by Geoffrey Muller.
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
~Russell Napier ........ Insp. Harmer
Lee Sinclaire ......... Eddie Leroy (not on IMDB)
Derek Aylward ......... Langhan
Cyril Smith (I) ........... Wilson
Barbara? James ........ Mrs. Dexter (unsure on IMDB)
A murderous blonde cat burglar is a man in disguise.
[09] Scotland Yard: THE SILENT WITNESSS (32 min)UK release date Oct 1954
BFC no. 12022
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
directed by Montgomery Tully
photography by John Wiles & Ron Bicker
film edited by Derek Holding
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Ivan Craig ............ Stafford
Kenneth Henry ......... Insp. Baker
Namana Michael ........ Ann Stafford
Jean Lodge ............ Mrs. Price
Molly Weir ............ Mum
Frank Forsyth
[10] Scotland Yard: PASSENGER TO TOKYO (32 min)UK release date Nov 1954
BFC no. 12033
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
directed by Ken Hughes
photography by J. M. Burgoyne-Johnson & John Reid
film edited by Derek Holding
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Kenneth Henry ......... Insp. Ross
Ken Marshall .......... Sgt
Peter Penn ............ Geoffrey Craig
Dorothy Bramhall ...... Mrs. Craig
Genine Graham ......... Miss Summers
A rare operation helps track a killer of a rich woman
sent to Tokyo in a trunk.
[11] Scotland Yard: NIGHT PLANE TO AMSTERDAM (31 min)(verified on film)
© Copyright 1954, UK release date Jan 1955
BFC no. 12050
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Screenplay by James Eastwood
Directed by Ken Hughes
photography by J. M. Burgoyne-Johnson & John Reid
settings by George Haslam
film edited by Geoffrey Muller
recorded by Dick Smith and Ron Abbott
production assistant Jim O'Connolly
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Gerald Case ........... Inspector Carron
Shay Gorman ........... Detective-Sergeant
Selma Vaz Dias ........ Madame Langer
Andrea Malandrinos .... Henri Pierce
Derek Sydney .......... Bosker
Ann Jay ............... Monique Duval
Guy Deghy ............. Capt. Hass
also featuring:
Walter Horsbrough, Henry Webb, Hugo Schuster, Patrick Westowood
A diamond robbery is traced to a woman fence using a hotel
as a front.
[12] Scotland Yard: THE STATELESS MAN (29 min) (verified on film)
aka_The Sutton Murder)
© Copyright 1954, UK release date May 1955
BFC no. 12097
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Paul Gherzo (aka_Paul Dickson/aka_Paul Gerrard)
photography by A. T. Dinsdale & John Reid
film edited by Ernest Hilton
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Frank Leighton ......... Inspector Parry
Robin Wentworth ........ Det. Sergeant Wentworth
Theodore Wilhelm ....... Slavik
Tom Clegg .............. Fenton
Mary Hallett ........... Mrs Fenton
Anna Doran ............. Hazel
Alec Finter, Howard Layton, Colyn Davies
The Police prove that a landlady's docker son stabbed a girl
[13] Scotland Yard: THE MYSTERIOUS BULLET (31 min)UK release date July 1954
BFC no. 12118
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
Directed by Paul Gherzo (aka_Paul Dickson/aka_Paul Gerrard)
photography by Ken Talbot & John Reid
film edited by Ernest Hilton
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Robert Raglan .......... Insp. Dexter
John Warwick ........... Robert Churchill
Christine Adrian ....... Emily Thatcher
Carol Marsh ............ Julie Thatcher
Howard Lang ............ Patterson
John Stuart
A ballistics expert traces the killer of a widow's fiance.
[14] Scotland Yard: MURDER ANONYMOUS (31 min)
UK release date Nov 1955
BFC no. 12150
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood and Roy H. Lewis
directed by Ken Hughes
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Peter Arne ............. Douglas Sheldon
Jill Bennett ........... Mrs. Sheldon
Ewen Solon ............. Insp. Conway
An Inspector proves that a blind man murdered his wife's lover.
[15] Scotland Yard: WALL OF DEATH (30 min)UK release date March 1956
BFC no. 12192
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
story by Judith Warden
written and directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Cyril Chamberlain ...... Insp. Harris
Vernon Greeves ......... Schmidt
Vanda Godsell .......... Mrs. Hartier
An Inspector proves that a woman caused the death of her fairground
husband rider.
[16] Scotland Yard: THE CASE OF THE RIVER MORGUE (34 min) (verified on film)_aka_The Hiller Case
© Copyright 1956, UK release date June 1956
BFC no. 12235
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written and Directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Hugh Moxey ............ Inspector O’Madden
Gordon Needham ........ Sergeant Stafford
Jane Welsh ............ Mrs Hiller
Charles Mortimer ...... Dr Baxter
John Rae .............. Dr Saunders
Arthur Gouilet ........ Harry Brind
Robert Sansom ......... Assistant Commissioner
John Serret ........... Inspector Bonvin
Andre Maillol ......... Gendarme
Armand Guinle ......... Concierge
Robert Reardon ........ Sergeant Brown
A diabetic steals a corpse and "drowns" it to swindle an insurance
[17] Scotland Yard: DESTINATION DEATH (31 min) (verified on film)
_aka_The Eberstein Case
© Copyright 1956, UK release date Sept 1956
BFC no. 12262
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ........ Inspector Duggan
Arthur Gomez .......... Sergeant Mason
Paula Byrne ........... Mrs Carden
Raymond Young ......... Mr Carden
Melissa Stribling ..... Helen Challoner
Colette Wilde ......... Kara
Alexis de Gallier ..... Felix
Christine Adnan ....... Mrs McGuire
Michael Bird .......... Mr Bowater
Roger Delgado ......... Lisbon Prison Officer
Jessica Cairns ........ Air hostess
The discovery of a dead man at London Airport, a postcard photograph
and a flask containing not only brandy, but poison, leads Scotland
Yard to Lisbon and a giant currency smuggling ring.
[18] Scotland Yard: PERSON UNKNOWN (32 min)(verified on film)
aka_ The Cusick Case
© Copyright 1956, UK release date Nov 1956
BFC no. 12276
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ......... Inspector Duggan
Edward Cast ............ Sergeant
Alan Robinson .......... Local Police Inspector
Marianne Stone ......... Mrs Cusick
George Pravda .......... Josef Cusick
Bill Nagy .............. Viner
Mark Bellamy ........... Fenton
Nancy Becket............ Mrs Fenton
Desmond Jeans .......... Captain Simpson (MI5)
Lloyd Lamble ........... Pathologist
Alec Finter ............ Hotel Manager
Nita Hanson ............ Hotel Maid
Ann Ridler.............. Hotel Telephonist
A Polish spy changes places with a would-be assassin.
[19] Scotland Yard: THE LONELY HOUSE (33 min)UK release date Jan 1957
BFC no. 12292
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ......... Insp. Duggan
Gordon Needham ......... Sgt. Conway
Frank Forsyth .......... Insp. Parry
Bettina Dickson ........ Mrs. Williams
Dorothy Bramhall ....... Miss Hilton
Felix Felton ........... Glen Urquhart
Ludovic Kennedy ........ TV newsreader
A man and wife run a phoney marriage bureau (or dating agency )
and clients are tricked into proposals of marriage. They are taken
to a house where the unsuspecting partner is murdered. Inspector
Duggan has a policewoman posing as a client to capture them. [TH]
[20] Scotland Yard: BULLET FROM THE PAST (33 min) (verified on film)
a.k.a. "The Grant Case"
© Copyright 1956, UK release date Jan 1957
BFC no. 12299
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written by Donovan Winter
Directed by Kenneth Hume
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Ballard Berkeley ......... Inspector Berkeley (!!)
Duncan McIntyre .......... Inspector Reynolds
Donovan Winter............ Sergeant Scott
Robert Sansom ............ Mr Ross
Philippa Hyatt ........... Mrs Ross
John Kidd ................ Mr Grant
Lilian Harrison .......... Mrs Grant
Lionel Newbold ........... Ballistics Expert (Richard Gordon)
Gretchen Franklin ........ Mrs Roper
Michael Duffield ......... Fingerprint Expert
Stephen Jack ............. Police Surgeon
Bernard Goldman .......... Mr Grabowitsch
Rita Webb ................ Laundry Manageress
Priscilla Ogier .......... Agnes
Richard Huggett .......... Estate Agent’s Clerk
An Inspector solves a 27-year-old murder whilst investigating
the shooting of an Insurance Agent.
[21] Scotland Yard: INSIDE INFORMATION (32 min)UK release date Jun 1957
BFC no. 12362
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Ronald Adam .......... Insp. Hammond
Basil Henson ......... Tony Neilson
Colette Wilde ........ Ellie
Synopsis 1:
Insp. Hammond tracks down the killer of a Negro crook burned on
a bonfire as a "guy".
Synopsis 2:
Inspector Hammond is called the morning after bonfire night where a
real body has been used as a "guy". He turns out to be a Negro crook.
The murderer is a country gent, who allowed the bonfire to take place
on his land,and his chauffer.
[22] Scotland Yard: THE CASE OF THE SMILING WIDOW (31 min)(verified on film)
aka_The Adams Case
© Copyright 1957, UK release August 1957
BFC no. 12398
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written by Gil Saunders
Directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ........ Inspector Duggan
Vernon Greeves ........ Sergeant
Carl Jaffe ............ (Christopher) Nicholls
Sylvia Marriott ....... (Mrs.) Janet Nicholls
Roger Delgado ......... Commissario
Dino Galvani .......... Director of the Cellini Gallery
Alec Finter ........... Doctor Harding
Joan Cross ............ Maid (Nancy Morgan)
Glyn Houston .......... Bates
Insp. Duggan proves that a crippled collector's wife gassed
a blackmailing artist.
[23] Scotland Yard: THE MAIL VAN MURDER (29 min) (verified on film)
aka_The Tanner Case
© Copyright 1957, UK release date Oct 1957
BFC no. 12417
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by John Knight
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Hy Hazell .............. Carla (Graig)
Dennis Castle .......... Superintendent Hammond
Gordon Needham ......... Sergeant Wilson
Robert Reardon ......... Jack Tanner
Derek Sydney ........... Charles Sparks
David Kelly ............ Fenton
Alfred Maron ........... Evans
George Pravda .......... Captain Manson
Victor Beaumont ........ Nicholas Strange
Supt. Hammond tracks down the boss of a gang who the stole a mail van.
[24] Scotland Yard: THE TYBURN CASE (32 min)
UK release date Oct 1957
BFC no. 12418
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
directed by David Faltenghi
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
John Warwick ............ Supt. Reynolds
Patricia Marmont ........ Nora Sims
Howard Marion Crawford .. Peter Shilling
Genine Graham ........... Mrs Sandford
Supt. Reynolds proves that a lawyer drowned a widow for the
insurance money.
[25] Scotland Yard: THE WHITE CLIFFS MYSTERY (32 min)
UK release date Oct 1957
BFC no. 12419
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
~Russell Napier ......... Insp. Duggan
A dead rocket engineering was being blackmailed by his secretary
under pressure from foreigners.
[26] Scotland Yard: NIGHT CROSSING (32 min)
UK release date Oct 1957
BFC no. 12420
Produced by Alec C. Snowden
written by James Eastwood
directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
~Russell Napier ........ Supt. Duggan
John Serret ........... Jacques Renault
Andre Maranne ......... Det. Nouvel
Bandanabes Gupta ...... Colette
An American Airforce Lt. helps police catch a Hungarian knife
thrower who killed his drug addicted partner.

Scotland Yard 1958-61Produced by Jack Greenwood
final 13 episodes
[27] Scotland Yard: PRINT OF DEATH (26 min)UK release date April 1958
BFC no. 12499
Produced by Jack Greenwood
written by James Eastwood
directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
John Warwick .......... Supt. Reynolds
Tim Turner ............ Webber
Phil Brown ............ Kovaks
Lloyd Lamble
Supt. Reynolds proves that payroll robbers dismembered an
ex-convict and grafted his fingertips on to rubber gloves.
[28] Scotland Yard: CRIME OF HONOUR (27 min)
UK release date Aug 1958
BFC no. 12526
Produced by Jack Greenwood
written by James Eastwood
directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
~Russell Napier ......... Supt. Duggan
Ivan Craig ............. Richard Watts
Jean Lodge ............. Julia Branston
Supt. Duggan proves that a wine shipper was killed by his
[29] Scotland Yard: THE CROSS ROAD GALLOWS (29 min) (verified on film)aka_The James Case
© Copyright 1958, UK release date Aug 1958
BFC no. 12527
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Montgomery Tully
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
John Warwick .......... Sgt. Reynolds
David Lodge ........... Insp. Travers
Tim Turner ............ Sgt. Hall
Arthur Gomez .......... Mr. Dent
John Stuart ........... Mr. Simmons
Genine Graham ......... Sally (Bailey)
Denton de Gray ........ Brandt
Sgt. Reynolds tracks down a German ex P.O.W. who killed
[30] Scotland Yard: THE UNSEEING EYE (28 min)
UK release date Feb 1959
BFC no. 12602
Produced by Jack Greenwood
written by James Eastwood
directed by Geoffrey Muller
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
~Russell Napier ....... Supt. Duggan
John Stone ........... Sgt. Nixon
Denny DayViss ........ Wendy Green
John Stuart .......... Dr.
A glass eye leads to the capture of a murderous arsonist.
[31] Scotland Yard: THE GHOST TRAIN MURDER (32 min)(verified on film)aka_The Bantory Case
© copyright 1959, UK release date Dec 1959
BFC no. 12725
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Peter Maxwell
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ...... Spt. Duggan
Gordon Needham ...... Sgt. Adams
Mary Laura Wood ..... Mrs. Williams
Jill Ireland ........ Sally Burton
Diane Aubrey ........ Nora Hinton
Synopsis 1:
Supt. Duggan unmasks shoplifters behind the stabbing of a
Hungarian girl.
Synopsis 2:
A body of a Hungarian girl is found in a fairground ghost train.
She has been killed by being stabbed by knitting needles. The
murderer is the owner of a guest house who is behind a gang of lady
[32] Scotland Yard: THE DOVER ROAD MYSTERY (30 min) (verified on film)aka_ The Winters Case
© copyright 1959, UK release date Feb 1960
BFC no. 12743
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Gerard Bryant
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Geoffrey Keen ......... Sgt. Graham
Edward Cast ........... Sgt. Webster
Leonard Sachs ......... (Herbert) Roberts
Jane Rieger ........... Janet
Cyril Chamberlain ..... (Jack) Chambers
Gwendolyn Gray ........ Mrs Chambers
Robert Percival ....... Police Commissioner
Humphrey Kent ......... Bank Manager
Antony Baird .......... Bill Allen
Anthony Parker ........ PC Green
Roger Gage ............ Price
Roger Winton ........... Banks
Johnny Hayes ........... Toni
Synopsis 1:
Sgt. Graham unmasks the motorist behind car thefts and a bank
Synopsis 2:
A Ford Consul has been stolen and is used in a bank robbery. Unknown
to the police, the car has been tuned up to go faster. When it is
spotted and chased by the police, it is too fast for the squad car.
[33] Scotland Yard: THE LAST TRAIN (31 min)(verified on film)aka_ The Hunt Case
© copyright 1959, UK release date April 1960
BFC no. 12768
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Geoffrey Muller
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier .......... Inspector Duggan
Norman Johns ............ Sergeant Adams
Lisa Daniely ............ Thelma (Mrs. Hunt)
Howard Pays ............. Sergeant Davy
John Stone .............. Preston
Joe Gibbons ............. Underground Guard
Philip Ray .............. Stevens
Alec Finter ............. Bank Manager
Hilda Barry ............. Mrs Hunt
Howard Marion Crawford .. Miller
Heidi Erich ............. Hilda
Tony Thawnton ........... Soans
Mark Singleton .......... Salesman
Jack May ................ Security Officer
Kenneth Edwards ......... Doctor Murray
Paul Hansard ............ Police Official
Denis Holmes ............ Detective
Richard Thorp ........... Sergeant Hall
Inspector Duggan imnvestigates a murder in the London Underground
and catch Watch smugglers.
[34] Scotland Yard: EVIDENCE IN CONCRETE (30 min)(verified on film)aka_The Mavis Brent Case
© Copyright 1961, UK release date Dec 1960
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Gordon Hales
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ........ Inspector Duggan
Howard Pays ........... Sgt Adams
Peter Welch ........... Hardy
Jill Hyem ............. Sandra
Patrick Maynard ....... Dollan
John Dearth ........... Sam Walker
Valerie Walsh ......... Gloria
Derek Sydney .......... Jellinco
Mary Laura Wood ....... Mrs Brent
Edna Harrison ......... Mrs Dollan
Robert Hewitt ......... Insp Lucas
Edward Dentith ........ Sgt Kendall
Ewan MacDuff .......... McNaughton
Brian Dent ............ Dr. Simmonds
Frederick Piper ....... Ellis
Kenneth Kendall ....... BBC Announcer
Kenneth Midwood ....... Brooks
Allan Mitchell ........ Missing Persons Official
Frank Henderson ....... Technician in Forensic Lab
A young girl is found dead off a busy motorway. A car accident seems
to be the cause - until the police make an unexpected discovery.
[35] Scotland Yard: THE SILENT WEAPON (28 min)UK release date Feb 1961
BFC no. 12907
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Peter Duffell
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Geoffrey Keen .......... Sgt. Graham (character name to be verified)
Stanley Morgan ......... Sgt. Dobbs
Norma Parnell .......... Joan Drew
Michael Nightingale
Erica Rogers
An Actress and her Boyfriend dope a greyhound and kill the trainer
with a boomerang.
[36] Scotland Yard: THE GRAND JUNCTION CASE (30 min) (verified on film)
aka_The Trudi Weiss Case
© Copyright 1961, UK release date Feb1961
BFC no. 12909
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Peter Duffell
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ........ Inspector Duggan
Howard Pays ........... Sergeant Adams
Wilfred Brambell ...... Dr Stanton
Tommy Godfrey ......... (William) Smaller
Christine Lander....... Mrs Effie Smaller
William Lyon-Brown .... Pearce
John Serret ........... Lemaitre
Diane Lambert ......... Sgt Betty Barnes
Michael Logan ......... Mr Fowler
Dickie Owen ........... Parriss
John Moore ............ Botanist
Kenneth J. Warren ..... Brown
Rose Alba ............. Colette
Victor Charrington .... Uniformed Inspector
Joan Weatherley ....... Woman in hotel
Synopsis 1:
A Supt travels to the continent to solve the death of a woman
whose limbs were found in the canal.
Synopses 2:
A body found in pieces is found by fishermen in a canal. The body is
of a woman with an Edelweiss tattoo. The first suspect is a local
man whose wife has gone missing after an argument,but he is cleared
when she turns up.Inspector Duggan goes abroad and finds the tattoos
who did the Edelweiss.On his return Duggan arrests the butcher who
admits to the murder.
[37] Scotland Yard: THE NEVER NEVER MURDER (30 min)UK release date June61
BFC no. 12966
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Peter Duffell
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Russell Napier ........ Supt. Duggan
Genine Graham ......... Alice Bennett
Maurice Good .......... Sgt Harper
Harriette Johns ....... Molly Davis
A woman's corpse found in a demolished building leads to the
capture of a hire purchase swindler.
[38] Scotland Yard: WINGS OF DEATH (29 min) (verified on film)aka_The James Wilton Case
UK release date June61
BFC no. 12967
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Allan Davis
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
Harry H. Corbett ....... Sgt Hammond
Simon Lack ............. Det Sgt Phillips
Shelagh Fraser ......... Diana Parker
Clinton Grey ........... Basil Swain
John Cazabon ........... Hamilton
Richard Caldicot ....... Schofield
Anthony Wager .......... Radar Operator
Stephen Jack ........... Sinclair
Pauline Winter ......... Miss Lang
Peter Collingwood ...... Harris
James Cairncross ....... Dr Ashton
David Lander ........... Calvet
Yvonne Andre ........... Madame Dumont
Ivor Dean .............. Gaston Dumont
Arthur Gomez ........... Patron
Eileen Draycott ........ Mrs Newton
Annette Carell ......... Marie
John Maxwell ........... Technician
Peter Bowles ........... Williams
Howard Taylor .......... Mortuary Attendant
George McGrath ......... Traffic Control Officer
Derek Knott ............ 1st Official
Stephen Hall ........... 2nd Official
John Wood .............. Photographer
Penelope Service ....... Photographer’s Assistant
Synopsis 1:
A pilot's wife and lover plant a bomb in the husband's plane.
Synopsis 2:
A light aeroplane comes down over Kent and crashes killing the pilot.
It is found that the pilot was murdered, and Scotland Yard become
involved. It appears that a man, who is infact the killer, went to
an old lady's house, and was treated by a local nurse for his injuries.
The pilot was the husband of an actress, the actress was having an
affair with her co-star. When the killer ejected from the plane he
sustained injuries to his leg which is in plaster. This is a giveaway
to Inspector Hammond who arrests them both for murder as they plan
their getaway.
[39] Scotland Yard: THE SQUARE MILE MURDER (28 min) (final episode)
UK release date June61
BFC no. 12968
Produced by Jack Greenwood
Written by James Eastwood
Directed by Allan Davis
Introduced by criminologist Edgar Lustgarten
John Welsh ............ Supt. Hicks
Delphi Lawrence ....... Sylvia Possner
Stanley Morgan ........ Possner
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Τρίτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Τετάρτη 22 Μαρτίου 1967

Τρίτη 21 Μαρτίου 1967

Δευτέρα 20 Μαρτίου 1967

Κυριακή 19 Μαρτίου 1967

Σάββατο 18 Μαρτίου 1967

Πέμπτη 16 Μαρτίου 1967

Παρασκευή 17 Μαρτίου 1967

Ο Φρέντυ Γερμανός παρουσίαζε σχεδόν από το ξεκίνημα των πειραματικών εκπομπών της τηλεόρασης δελτία ειδήσεων μαζί με τον Βασίλη Παπαθανασόπουλο που ήταν ο πρώτος Έλληνας παρουσιαστής ειδήσεων και αργότερα τον πολιτικό συντάκτη της εφημερίδας "Ελευθερία" Μιχάλη Στυλιανού που έκανε τα δελτία της Παρασκευής. Στις 17 Μαρτίου παρουσιάζει την πρώτη εκπομπή η οποία βέβαια ήταν πολύ μακριά από τα δεδομένα των προγραμμάτων που τον έκαναν διάσημο άργότερα. Ο Δημήτρης Νιάνιας ήταν ένας συντηριτικός πολιτικός, μετά τη δικτακτορία έγινε και υπουργός πολιτισμού και τότε, λίγες μέρες πριν το πραξικόπημα μιλούσε ως υφυπουργός Προεδρίας στην κυβέρνηση Κανελλόπουλου για το Δόγμα Τρούμαν.

Τετάρτη 15 Μαρτίου 1967

Τρίτη 14 Μαρτίου 1967

Δευτέρα 13 Μαρτίου 1967

Θα ενημερωθεί αργότερα

Κυριακή 12 Μαρτίου 1967

Σάββατο 11 Μαρτίου 1967

Παρασκεύή 10 Μαρτίου 1967

Πέμπτη 9 Μαρτίου 1967

Τετάρτη 8 Μαρτίου 1967

Τρίτη 7 Μαρτίου 1967

Δευτέρα 6 Μαρτίου 1967

Θα ενημερωθεί σύντομα

Κυριακή 5 Μαρτίου 1967